cut your losses

How To Cut Your Losses and Start Over

Have you ever gotten so far behind in something that it would be easier to start over than to catch up? Sometimes you just have to cut your losses and start over.

I recently realized I had a few hundred podcasts to listen to, and the list was growing bigger each week. It wasn't that I didn't enjoy them, I just hadn't made time to listen for the past few months.

I knew I would never get through the backlog, and I would fall further and further behind. It was time for drastic action.

Podcast Episode 62: COVID Retrospective

When things shut down for COVID in March of 2020, I believed that it would be a few weeks and we would be back to normal. 2 years later, nothing has returned to normal, and I’m pausing to consider how this last 2 years has impacted, and will continue to impact productivity, simplicity and deliberate living.
Feedback Loops

Using Feedback Loops To Improve Productivity

A feedback loop is something which gives you information about an action you have taken. As Wikipedia says: "the causal path that leads from the initial generation of the feedback signal to the subsequent modification of the event".

I once heard a talk about the concept of feedback loops in relation to environmentalism. It got me thinking about feedback loops, and how they can be applied to our productivity.

Using Kanban To Track Projects

It can be difficult to keep track of all the things you want to do at the same time as the things that you are currently doing. Having the information in one place is a start, but if you truly want to make sure that things don’t fall through the cracks, using a Kanban board is an excellent way to do this. Today we will look at what Kanban boards are, and how to use them to keep track of what you are doing as well as the things that you might want to do someday.
Afternoon Slump

Avoiding Afternoon Slump

Afternoon sleepiness is a normal function of our circadian rhythms. But our actions can make it better or worse. Here are 9 things I find help me get through the afternoon slump:

Podcast Episode 61: The Right Tool Can Make All The Difference

I’ve always been cautious about new tools. I have spent too much time in the past chasing the new and shiny and then wasting time moving between systems. I have decided that unless there is a major problem with how I am doing things at the moment, I don’t need to look at other solutions. However, once issues are identified, it’s great to find a new tool. We’ll talk about that in this episode number 61 which I’m calling The Right Tool Can Make All The Difference
The Importance of Routines

The Importance of Routines

A friend of mine, struggling with organization and an insane schedule, has been balking at setting up basic routines to help her out. "They will limit my freedom and creativity" is something I have heard more than once.

But I believe that having routines actually frees up and creates pockets of creative time...creative time I never seemed to have before I implemented routines.
minimize inboxes

Another Take On Minimizing Inboxes

David Allen, in Getting Things Done, makes the point that we should minimize inboxes. This gives us fewer places to check to find information to flow into our systems. In the case of email, this would naturally lead one to believe we should minimize our email addresses so that we have less to check.

Over the years that I have implemented this concept, I have tried various methods. Today we will look at three approaches to minimize inboxes.
30 Things I Know about Productivity

30 Things I Know about Productivity

I've been writing this blog (or its variants) since 2007. And yet I still feel like a beginner on so many things!

Someone challenged me, in response to a comment I made about not really knowing anything about productivity, to write a list of 30 things I know about productivity. Here it is: