sticky notes

How to Print on Sticky Notes

I love sticky notes. I love that they can be moved around. I like using them for quick task lists and reminders of routine items. I don’t love rewriting things. I thought, “wouldn’t it be nice if I could print on them?” I figured out how to print on sticky notes, and today I’ll talk about how I do it.
social media

Why and How I Left Social Media

I’ve never been a rabid social media user, but I have gotten caught in endless scrolling loops. But even if you want to get away from it, the companies make it difficult. Today I will talk about why - and how - I left social media.
What To Put In Your Morning Routine

What To Put In Your Morning Routine

There was a time when I would stumble out of bed with just barely enough time to throw on clothes and get to work. The end result what that I would get to work already stressed out, feeling frantic. I began to implement a morning routine after I read The Miracle Morning and began to see my life change. But the five areas laid out in the book were soon not enough. I decided to expand on it.
kindle book list

Getting A Kindle Book List From Amazon

I've been buying Amazon books since 2009. That's a whole lot of books. And while writing a recent article on backlogs, I realized that I have built up a huge backlog of unread books on my Kindle.

How many, exactly? Well, there's no easy way to tell.

Because Amazon doesn't have a way to export your purchased book lists from their system.That annoyed me. So I wrote a tool to help.