minimize inboxes

Another Take On Minimizing Inboxes

David Allen, in Getting Things Done, makes the point that we should minimize inboxes. This gives us fewer places to check to find information to flow into our systems. In the case of email, this would naturally lead one to believe we should minimize our email addresses so that we have less to check.

Over the years that I have implemented this concept, I have tried various methods. Today we will look at three approaches to minimize inboxes.
Getting Household Things Done

Getting Household Things Done

One of the downfalls to the Getting Things Done system is that it focuses on work. And in that focus, it loses sight of the myriad things that have to be done to support life.

I've suspected for a long time that the reason so many people are able to make Getting Things Done work is because they have someone to deal with the household stuff.

Today we start a series of articles on Getting Household Things Done, which will cover applying the tenets of modern productivity systems to the maintenance tasks of life.
Don’t List Next Actions

Don’t List Next Actions

It is really easy to get bogged down in the minutiae. We can start thinking of all the steps that need to be done to get a specific result, and lose sight of the end game: the result itself.

I find that instead of writing down the next actions, it is better to write down what I am trying to accomplish.