Time Management 101

Time Management 101

Managing time is the basis for all productivity systems, yet the systems assume people already know how to do time management. This is  not a fair assumption. Most people don't know how to manage time, but turn to productivity systems to help them.
My Habit Tracker Choice

My Habit Tracker Choice

I looked into switching from my paper habit tracker to apps in October. After evaluating three of them for a few weeks, I have finally made my habit tracker choice.
Finding a Habit Tracker

Finding a Habit Tracker

Do you know how well you do on actually completing the things you consider habits? I’m a big believer in tracking habits so that I have the hard-and-fast numbers to show me, eliminating my mind’s bias in how well I do.
Changes to My Bullet Journal, Oct 2023

Changes to My Bullet Journal, Oct 2023

I’ve been using a Bullet Journal - in the original, minimalistic sense, for about 5 years. I’ve experimented and adjusted, but I’ve never really written about my experiments. I made some big changes this month, and I thought I would share them.
The Three Types of Procrastination

The Three Types of Procrastination

I've seen over and over that we procrastinate on something because deep down it goes against our core beliefs or because we know it's a waste of time. I think there is a third type of procrastination: where we procrastinate because at some level we can't accept the larger meaning of our actions.

Podcast Episode 87: Nightly Habits to Set Up An Easy Morning

I am by no stretch of any imagination a morning person. In fact, there are many mornings that I roll out of bed at my work starting time and head to my computer in my pajamas. Don’t judge. You’ve probably done it too. So when I recently started going back into the office a couple of days a week, I wondered how I had ever managed to do it every day. I realized quickly that if I was going to get out the door - or at least up before I had to start work - I would need to find a better way. I fell back to a really old way of doing things that I started when my daughter was an infant. This episode, number 87, is about how I did it….establishing nightly habits to set up an easier morning.
5 Reasons To Use Checklists

5 Reasons To Use Checklists

Checklists are a great tool for productivity. They can save a lot of time and prevent mistakes, rethinking, and missing steps. Yet many people don't use them. Here are 5 reasons to get checklists into your productivity system today.