Is It Really A Solution?

Is It Really A Solution?

I discuss why we should be skeptical of simple solutions to complex problems. Drawing from examples like the chocolate weight loss study, I explore how many "solutions" are actually sales pitches, while acknowledging that real change comes through dedication and hard work.
tablet screens

Reworking My Tablet Screens

I recently reorganized my tablet, grouping apps by purpose and cleaning out unnecessary ones. This improved my productivity and made the device much more user-friendly. Now, I can easily find what I need and focus on specific tasks.
My Habit Tracker Choice

My Habit Tracker Choice

I looked into switching from my paper habit tracker to apps in October. After evaluating three of them for a few weeks, I have finally made my habit tracker choice.
Finding a Habit Tracker

Finding a Habit Tracker

Do you know how well you do on actually completing the things you consider habits? I’m a big believer in tracking habits so that I have the hard-and-fast numbers to show me, eliminating my mind’s bias in how well I do.
Changes to My Bullet Journal, Oct 2023

Changes to My Bullet Journal, Oct 2023

I’ve been using a Bullet Journal - in the original, minimalistic sense, for about 5 years. I’ve experimented and adjusted, but I’ve never really written about my experiments. I made some big changes this month, and I thought I would share them.
RocketBook Hacks

RocketBook Hacks

I love the idea of a reusable notebook. I love the RocketBook companion app as well. But not so much the RocketBook products. So I came up with some RocketBook hacks.
Free Ebooks Graphic

Where to Get Free and Low-Cost Ebooks

I am a reader. The term "voracious" has been applied, but to me, it is just the level I read at. During a typical month I will read upwards of 15 fiction books. That can lead to some hefty book bills, unless you know where to get free and low-cost ebooks.

Back in the day, I would get my books at the library or in second-hand bookstores. Because frankly, buying that amount of books new would lead to some really hefty book bills!
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Why I Left Hootsuite, And How It Caused Me To Re-evaluate Many Other Things

Sometimes I get complacent. I don't want to do the work to evaluate my habits, routines, processes, and tools simply because I've done the work before. As a result, I often am stuck with things that don't work, until some external force causes me to re-evaluate where I am.

I realized this was an over-arching theme in my life recently after one of my tools did just that - forced me to re-evaluate. And it's caused some churn in my life, all of which has made things better.