Using Excel To Take Apart and Consolidate Text

Using Excel To Take Apart and Consolidate Text

In this document, I discuss my fondness for spreadsheets, particularly Excel, and how I use it not for number crunching, but for text manipulation. I share how Excel can be a powerful tool for consolidating or splitting up text. I provide a detailed walkthrough on how to put text together using the ampersand (&) as a concatenation tool. Then, I demonstrate how to pull text apart using the Text To Columns tool. This tool is especially useful when you need to extract specific information from a chunk of text. I conclude by emphasizing that Excel is not just for numbers and can save you from having to manually retype text.
Yak Shaving, Or Wooly Distractions

Yak Shaving, Or Wooly Distractions

In this post, I've explored the concept of "yak shaving", a term in programming that refers to the seemingly endless chain of small tasks that need to be completed before getting to the main task at hand. I've shared examples from internet research to household chores, and even my own recent work experiences, to illustrate how easy it is to get caught up in yak shaving. I've also discussed how the so-called "2 minute rule" can sometimes lead to this phenomenon. Ultimately, the goal is to stay focused on what truly matters and avoid unnecessary distractions.
Help! My Task List Is Overwhelming!

Help! My Task List Is Overwhelming!

In this post, I've shared my strategies for dealing with an overwhelming task list. I've discussed the importance of questioning each task's necessity and the role of task delegation. I've also shared my unique method of sorting tasks into different 'parking lots' based on their urgency and importance, which helps me prioritize tasks effectively and stay productive.
What Grandma Esther Could Teach You About Productivity

What Grandma Esther Could Teach You About Productivity

In this post, I dive into what my Grandma Esther taught me about productivity. Her old-fashioned wisdom holds valuable lessons in a world where we're constantly striving to do more. Stay tuned for tips on how to streamline your life and work more efficiently, inspired by Grandma Esther's practical approach.
How To Resist The Next Shiny Toy…And Why You Should

How To Resist The Next Shiny Toy…And Why You Should

In our rapidly advancing world, it's easy to get caught up in the latest gadgets and trends. However, constantly chasing the new can distract us from our goals and drain our resources. I provide strategies and tips on how to resist these distractions and stay focused on what truly matters.
Creating Tasks From Gmail Automatically

Creating Tasks From Gmail Automatically

In this blog post, I discuss the importance of not using email as a task manager and advocate for the use of dedicated task management tools instead. I provide an example of how I automate Gmail to integrate with my task manager, Remember The Milk.
give yourself a break

How To Give Yourself A Break

In this document, I share my experience of feeling desperate for a break and how I dealt with it. I noticed my energy levels were down due to stress, lack of exercise, poor sleep, and nutrition. Instead of forcing myself to rectify these issues, I decided to assess my energy on a day-by-day basis. I also cut down on my tasks, asking myself if each task was absolutely necessary or could wait. Finally, I gave myself permission to take a break, something I often struggle with. I emphasize that it's okay to step back and take a break.
Reflections on Tranquility By Tuesday

Reflections on Tranquility By Tuesday

In this article, I reflect on my experience following the rules laid out in "Tranquility By Tuesday". I found many of the rules valuable and easy to incorporate into my weekly planning, such as planning on Fridays, creating a backup slot, and taking one night for myself. However, there were a couple of rules, like giving myself a bedtime and moving by 3 P.M., that I struggled with and hope to improve on. Overall, I've noticed less stress since I started following these rules and I'm motivated to continue integrating them into my life.