30 Day Challenge Wrap Up: Exercise Every Day

30 Day Challenge Wrap Up: Exercise Every Day

For my 30 Day Challenge this month I wanted to exercise every day. My main goal was to get more movement in my life, rather than to embark on a major fitness quest. I figured starting small would bring more benefits in that I could be more consistent at it.

What I Found

  • The Fitbit reminder to take steps every hour is easy to ignore. Particularly since I’ve been ignoring it for months.
  • Doing yoga stretches was good, but doing stretches that targeted my hip flexors were better. I was able to draw a direct correlation between stretching and evening hip pain.
  • Reminding myself to stand was hard. Although I have an amazing standing desk at work, it is still hard for me to remember to stand. I am continuing to work on this, and I have an amazing example in my supervisor who stands all day.

I think, given that December can be a very hectic month, that I will probably hold at the week 4 levels.