Always Be Aware of ROI

Always Be Aware of ROI

In this post, I explore the concept of Return on Investment (ROI) in our daily activities. I share personal experiences and offered strategies to improve ROI, such as outsourcing, simplifying tasks and re-evaluating commitments. I encourage readers to reflect on their activities and enhance their personal ROI.
Time Management 101

Time Management 101

Managing time is the basis for all productivity systems, yet the systems assume people already know how to do time management. This is  not a fair assumption. Most people don't know how to manage time, but turn to productivity systems to help them.
time blocking

The Basics of Time Blocking

Time blocking is a great way to get things done. But it doesn't mean putting all of your tasks on your calendar.

Want to make me cringe? Tell me you put all of your tasks on your calendar so that you have time set aside to do them.

No. No. Just no.

Today we'll talk about how to do effective time blocking.
Building Margin Into Your Life

Building Margin Into Your Life

Do you ever have a stretch of time where you are so busy it feels like you can't even pause to catch your breath? If so, you need to look at building margin into your life. Such a pace is impossible to maintain in the long run, and can lead us to both burnout and poor performance on the tasks we are trying to get done.

I can get frantically busy. These days it is generally only for a day or two at a time, but there have been times when that busyness stretched into weeks. It's so busy that you don't even have time to consider what you need to do next. You just pick up the next thing and keep going. Sometimes these stretches are caused by over-scheduling, or an inability to say no, or forgetting that I can ask for help; but they all have the same result: exhaustion, burnout and frustration. The really ironic part is that I do it to myself, because I know that scheduling in margin will prevent it.
Getting Back Time: Empowering Independence

Getting Back Time: Empowering Independence

One of the things that can suck up a lot of our time is doing things for others. This is particularly apparent if you have kids that still live at home. If you can empower others' independence, you can get a lot of time back for yourself.

Through various family circumstances I was placed in charge of running a household at the age of 14. While I would never wish my particular circumstances on anyone else, the sense of being independent - and more competent than my peers at "adulting" - never left me. I have tried to give my daughter the same competency, although with a guiding hand rather than the sink-or-swim method I experienced. Yes, she started young, but her knowledge gives her independence and responsibility - and gives me time.
Beating “I Don’t Have Time”

Beating “I Don’t Have Time”

Productivity is a mental game as much as it is about doing things. One of the limiting beliefs I hear people tell themselves over and over is, "I don't have time."

I used to be a chronic "I don't have time" person, but I have found that I actually do have time to do more things than I thought possible. Today we'll look at how I use those chunks of time to get more done.